Auction of pride
What is your bidding plan with the following hand?:
Opening 1♦ is easy enough. Partner responds the expected 1♥. What next?
Especially with a big hand, I think the objective of showing nine of your cards by bidding 2♣ is a better plan than showing only six of your cards by bidding 3♦.
Over 2♣, pard preferences to 2♦. Now what?
I have unshown extras, and I can share them with partner and let him know that I am short in hearts by patterning out with 2♠. (Could be 3=1=5=4, too.)
What are the planned follow ups, leaping to the assumption that partner is on the same page? I think the follow up plans depend upon how much heart wastage partner shows and how much strength partner shows.
Over 2NT (minimum, with heart wastage), I am bidding 3♦. Yes, notrump might pay more, but even if partner has two heart honors (if not the AK), I am not going to choose to play a notrump partial when a diamond partial should be safer.
Over 3NT (maximum, with heart wastage), I am passing. Ah, the lure of the game bonus.
Over 3♦ (minimum, little heart wastage), I am passing. Enough is enough; just because partner has little wastage in hearts does not mean that he is dealt a few black kings.
Over 4♦ (maximum, little heart wastage), I am raising to 5♦, lured by the game bonus and hoping for something opposite like Kxx, Jxxx, Qxx, Kxx, with a club ruff constituting my eleventh trick.
At the table, pard bid 2NT and I took out to 3♦. How did that result fare?
Not so well as could be. Not only did partner have even better hearts that he might have, but also clubs split 3-3. The club split meant that I made an overtrick (the opponents later led spades, looking for a set) for +130 but it also meant that the souls in 3NT (with both heart honors with South) made their contract!
Ah, well, it was still an auction of pride.
As a Monday morning quarterback, once pard announces NT, claiming Heart coverage I’m in for 3NT. Let’s look at the tricks: Most likely 6 Diamonds and two side aces means you’ll only need one trick from parnter, whether it is a heart or spade. Finding pard with the QD is a bonus. The fact that clubs split is to your advantage. Worth a shot!