Defensive play by Judi Radin in USBF women’s trials
♠ Q872
♥ AJT83 ♦ KT7 ♣ Q |
♠ J9643 ♥ K5 ♦ J53 ♣ T72 |
Holding this hand: ♠Q872, ♥AJT83, ♦KT7, ♣Q, Radin heard opponents bid to 3NT. On opening lead, she, having heard declarer announce a big hand (2♣ opener) and a long club suit, led the ♥J and saw this dummy and Trick 1 and 2 play: Trick 1 won with dummy’s ♥K (don’t know their carding, but I believe that third hand played ♥9, which looks like upside down attitude, and declarer played ♥2). At Trick 2, declarer passed ♣7 to Radin’s stiff ♣Q. What now?
Possibly reading the ♣7 play as an avoidance play to keep West from leading through declarer’s ♥Q, Radin switched to a small spade. Look what happened:
- West’s ♠T forced the ♠A.
- Declarer took one high club in hand and then led a club to dummy’s ♣T.
- Declarer took losing diamond finesse.
- Radin cashed ♠Q, then led a spade to her partner’s ♠K. That is one club, one diamond, and two spades, book for the defense.
- West returned a heart and Radin cashed four tricks in that suit. Down four! Nice swing to Moss playing against Sprung.
Vul: |
♠ A ♥ Q42 ♦ AQ2 ♣ AKJ983 |
♠ KT5 ♥ 976 ♦ 9864 ♣ 654 |
♠ Q872 ♥ AJT83 ♦ KT7 ♣ Q |
♠ J9643 ♥ K5 ♦ J53 ♣ T72 |